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2023 China SIF Annual Conference Inviting for Collaboration!

Views : 1690
Update time : 2023-10-17 15:43:12

The 11th China Sustainable Investment Forum (China SIF) Annual Conference and the 2023 China SIF Week will be held in Beijing from Dec. 4th to 9th, 2023. We cordially invite institutions and experts from all sectors to collaborate and jointly promote the high-quality development of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) investments.


About China SIF

China Sustainable Investment Forum (China SIF), established in Beijing as a non-profit organisation in 2012, is dedicated to promoting responsible investment and providing an internationalised platform for exchanging and sharing ideas on issues concerning sustainable development, with a focus on facilitating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) integration, advocating green finance, and contributing to a responsible capital market in China as well as its sustainability.

China SIF has held 10 Annual Conferences, 6 Summer Summits, 6 China SIF Weeks, and a series of featured seminars and webinars since its establishment, convening policymakers as well as domestic and foreign experts to share their research findings, industry lnsights, and practical experiences. According to incomplete statistics, over 5,000 guests have participated in China SIF annual conferences and summer summits, with more than 300,000 people engaging in China SIF's past annual events and related activities online. China SIF Week has officially become a flagship event in the ESG field within China.

China SIF has also published a series of landmark reports, such as the China Sustainable Investment Review and has continued to support the Dissertation Competition on ESG and Sustainable Finance. Together with cooperation partners and industry experts, China SIF has developed the "ESG Online Classes", a series of educational videos to promote ESG investment concepts and practices.


The 11th China SIF Annual Conference
and the 2023 China SIF Week

ESG investment plays a key role in high-quality development. At the same time, ESG investment should also focus on the quality of its own development. The government and regulators are imposing stricter requirements on ESG investors. In turn, investors also have to pay more attention to the performance of ESG-related investments.

The 11th China SIF Annual Conference and the 2023 China SIF Week will take place from Dec. 4th to 9th 2023. These events are hosted by SynTao Green Finance and co-hosted by the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) and the United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchange Initiative (UN SSEi). The theme of this year's Annual Conference is ESG and high-quality development, exploring both the positive impact of ESG on high-quality development and the high-quality development of ESG itself to promote the stability of ESG investment.


Agenda of the Annual Conference

Dec. 5th 2023


Main Event (09:00-12:15)




Opening Remarks





Keynote Speeches

  • Current State of ESG Development in China and Abroad

  • Low-Carbon Transition and Chinese Path to Modernization





Panel Discussion

ESG for High-Quality Development






  • China Sustainable Investment Review 2023

  • Research on the ESG Rating System of Provincial and Municipal Governments (2023)





Keynote Speeches

  • Global ESG Regulatory Trends

  • Information Disclosure Requirements for Financial Institutions





Panel Discussion

Promoting High-Quality Development in ESG







Parallel Forums (14:00-17:30)




Parallel Forum A1 

ESG Investment Strategies for Equity Investments

Over the years, ESG investment approaches have become increasingly diverse, with similarities and differences between approaches; ESG investment approaches need to follow basic principles and evolve and develop. This Forum discusses ESG investment strategies for equity investments.





Parallel Forum A2 

ESG Investment Strategies in Fixed-Income

As fixed-income markets increasingly incorporate ESG consideration, the use of ESG rating methodology in fixed-income investments is becoming increasingly important. This Forum discusses the appropriate ESG rating methodology for the bond market and discusses the rating status of Chinese bond issuers.





Parallel Forum B1 

Dialogue Between Financial Institutions and Companies for Transition

In the context of the global trend to actively address climate change, it is important for institutional investors to engage with portfolio companies and call for a low-carbon transition in order to support the decarbonisation of the real economy and achieve carbon neutrality by mid-century. This Forum discusses how financial institutions can engage in dialogue with companies to facilitate the transition.





Parallel Forum B2 

Disclosure Standards in China and Abroad

Disclosure is an important infrastructure for ESG investment. In recent years, there have been significant developments in ESG disclosure standards both in China and abroad. This Forum discusses the latest developments in ESG disclosure standards domestically and internationally, focusing on the new ISSB guidelines.


|Themes of the Side Events|

The 5th Media Training Workshop on Green Finance

Sustainability Themed Bond Seminar

ESG Academic Seminar

Seminar on Overseas Sustainable Investment and ESG Disclosure

Sustainable Stock Exchange Panel Discussion

Global SIFs Network Seminar

(Additional side event themes are currently being finalised.)

The 2023 China SIF Week will also host the inaugural China SIF Expo, providing financial institutions and intermediary organisations with the opportunity to showcase ESG products and services and engage in precise face-to-face interactions with professional experts.


|Inviting Collaboration from All Sectors

Speaking Opportunities

China SIF is committed to establishing a platform for exchanging sustainable development-related topics. So far, over 600 professionals worldwide have expressed their views at various China SIF events. The 11th China SIF Annual Conference and the 2023 China SIF Week have now opened the guest recommendation/self-recommendation option. If you are a professional in the ESG and responsible investment field or wish to recommend professionals to participate in the China SIF Annual Conference or side events, please fill out the application form to contact us.


Institutional Participation in the Expo

During the 2023 China SIF Week, China SIF will host the China SIF Expo for the first time, offering a total of over 30 booths of various types for financial institutions and intermediary organisations to showcase ESG products and services. This provides an opportunity for precise face-to-face interactions with professional experts. The Expo will last for two days, from Dec. 5th to 6th.


Institutional Collaboration
(Annual Conference)

The 11th China SIF Annual Conference, held on Dec. 5th, is the flagship event of the entire 2023 China SIF Week. The Conference will explore important themes such as the current state and regulatory trends of ESG development in China and abroad, low-carbon transition and the Chinese path to modernisation, ESG for high-quality development and promoting high-quality development in ESG, ESG investment strategies for equity investments and fixed-income, dialogue between financial institutions and companies to promote transition and disclosure standards in China and abroad.

Institutions focused on ESG and sustainable investment can become partners of the China SIF Annual Conference and get presentation opportunities, news coverage, and exclusive customised sessions, among other benefits. Partner brands will be showcased at all events during the China SIF Week.


Institutional Collaboration
(Side Events)

The China SIF Week (Dec. 4th-9th) will organise a series of side events covering various hot topics. These include media training workshops on green finance, ESG academic seminars, and sustainable stock exchange panel discussions.

Institutions interested in ESG and sustainable investment can become partners of side events, either as independent hosts or co-hosts, or supporting organisations. Partners will receive brand exposure, speaking opportunities, news coverage, and more.


|The Cooperation Intention Form|
Institutions or individuals interested in collaborating are welcome to fill out the cooperation intention form by scanning the QR code. We will get in touch with you after receiving the application.

Scan the QR code for the cooperation intention form


SynTao Green Finance



United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative


 United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchange Initiative