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活动推荐|金融发展局 x 香港地球之友 x 中国责任投资论坛 - 地球日论坛2024

Views : 2278
Update time : 2024-04-19 11:02:00


由金融发展局、香港地球之友及中国责任投资论坛合办的“地球日论坛2024”于4月22日举行。主题为“Transition Finance Towards a Net Zero Economy”。







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Financial institutions play a crucial role in allocating capital towards climate-resilient development and facilitating the transition to a net-zero economy. Despite significant growth in green finance over the past decade, investments in high-carbon sectors for transitioning purposes have fallen short due to the lack of common standards and accountability mechanisms. Financial institutions also face mounting pressure from stakeholders and market competition to prioritize lending to environmentally friendly, sustainable, and socially responsible projects, while divesting from industries engaged in carbon-intensive activities. To bridge this gap, transition finance emerged to support the whole-of-economy transition, in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), towards lower and net-zero emissions and climate resilience.


In Hong Kong, transition finance has been identified by the Green and Sustainable Finance Cross-Agency Steering Group as a priority for 2024 to solidify the city’s position as a leading sustainable finance hub. Integrating transition considerations in the promotion of sustainable finance development will be a key part of the policy strategy.


This forum will discuss several important pillars of transition finance, including:


  1. Transition finance product innovation: How can innovative and reliable (high-quality) financial products, such as sustainability-linked bonds, be developed to finance transition?

  2. Climate-related financial disclosure: How should financial institutions and companies disclose climate-related information based on international standards, such as IFRS S2 and TCFD?

  3. Transition risk management for financial institutions: How could climate scenario analysis, stress testing, and such be used to measure and manage transition risks for financial institutions?


Welcoming Remarks
Mr Plato Yip

Chairperson, Friends of the Earth (HK)


Keynote Speech 
Unlocking Hong Kong's Financial Potential for a Low-Carbon Future

The Honourable Paul CHAN Mo-po, GBM, GBS, MH, JP 
Financial Secretary of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region


Keynote Speech

Mr Daniel R Fung, SBS, SC, KC, JP, FCIArb
Vice Chairman, Financial Services Development Council


Keynote Speech
Enhancing Sustainability and Climate Disclosure through ISSB standards

Mr JingDong Hua
Vice-Chair, International Sustainability Standards Board


Panel 1: How to manage transition risks and ensure robust climate-related financial disclosure?

Moderator: Mr Anthony Cheung CESGA, EFFAS Representative, Asia Pacific, Member of EFFAS CESGA Expert Team


1. Dr Stan Ho, Chief Representative, SynTao Green Finance International Limited

2. Ms Christine Kung, Senior Director and Head of International Affairs and Sustainable Finance, Securities and Futures Commission

3. Ms Valerie Kwan, Director, Stewardship & Corporate Engagement, Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC)

4. Mr Roy Leung, President, Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants

5. Ms Diana Parusheva-Lowery, Managing Director, Head of Public Policy and Sustainable Finance, Asia Securities Industry & Financial Markets Association (ASIFMA)


Message from Guest of Honour
Marching Toward a Carbon-Neutral Economy

Ms Li Zhang
Chief Executive, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Branch


Panel 2: How to develop innovative and reliable financial products for financing the net-zero transition?

Moderator: Dr King Au, Executive Director, Financial Services Development Council


1. Mr Shehab Alyassi, Business Development Director, Ajyal Holding

2. Mr Rong Fan, Head of Financial Institutions Department, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd.

3. Ms Michelle Leung, Head of Asia Metals and Mining, Sustainability Bloomberg L.P.

4. Ms Georgina Lok, Head (Market Development), Hong Kong Monetary Authority

5. Dr Shelley Zhou, Head of Corporate Sustainability, Hang Seng Bank


Closing Remarks

Dr Peiyuan Guo

Chairman of China Sustainable Investment Forum;
China Advisor of United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI)




