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Sponsorship opportunities: the 12th China SIF Annual Conference

Views : 1108
Update time : 2024-10-09 15:45:29

Since the United Nations Global Compact proposed the concept of ESG in 2004, ESG investments have evolved over a span of 20 years. During this period, the ESG philosophy gradually integrated into the mainstream, fostering rapid development in sustainable finance on a global scale. According to the Global Sustainable Investment Alliance (GSIA), the global assets under sustainable finance now exceed USD 30 trillion. In China, as per statistics from China SIF, the overall ESG assets have surpassed RMB 35 trillion.

The theme of the 12th China SIF Annual Conference and 2024 China SIF Week is "20 Years of ESG: Retrospect and Outlook of Sustainable Finance". It aims to review the birth, development, and evolution of ESG concepts, combining them with the current status of green finance and ESG development in China. The Annual Conference will delve into hot topics surrounding the current ESG development and anticipate future opportunities and challenges in sustainable finance. The 12th China SIF Annual Conference will be organised by SynTao Green Finance, with UNEP FI and UN SSE as co-organisers.


The 12th China SIF Annual Conference will be held on Dec. 3rd in Beijing, including keynote speeches, policy and market-themed panel discussions, and releases, etc.. Four parallel forums will be held on themes: ESG Investments for Transition Finance, Biodiversity and ESG Investments, Climate Resilience and Corporate Transition, ESG Disclosure Standards Development. Click for the Agenda.

2024 China SIF Week will also host a series of side events, covering topics such as Media Training Workshop on ESG & Green Finance, Academic Workshop on ESG, Sustainable Stock Exchange Roundtable, Seminar on Natural Resources, Seminar on Climate Mitigation Journey for Financial Institutions, Seminar on Financial Support Transition: New Opportunities for Methane Investment in Key Industries, Seminar on Insurance, and CCEI Work Meeting, etc..

In addition, SynTao Green Finance and China SIF will also release a series of research reports including China Sustainable Investment Review 2024 and Top 10 Trends in Responsible Investment in China 2025.

Please contact us for sponsorship opportunities of the conference, side events, and research reports.


Sponsorship package for the Annual Conference:

 · brand exposure: logo display / easy-roller-banner / organisation profile exhibited in the related materials / distribution of business materials

 · speaking opportunities: panelists / keynote speakers / welcome speech from the representative of the organisation

 · press exposure: press release mentions / press citation / post-conference press interview

 · tailored interests: release of new product or research results / customization of the main session afternoon Parallel Forum theme / discussion on the theme of the panel discussion in the morning of the Annual Conference

 · build network: lunch guest seats


Sponsorship package for Side Events:

 · brand exposure: conference themed boards / logo display / distribution of business materials

 · speaking opportunities: panelists / keynote speakers

 · tailored interests: designing the theme of the Side Event / participating in the format planning / designated event equipment / invitation of guests

 · press exposure: event promotion


Sponsorship package for research reports:

 · brand exposure: logo is shown on the cover of the report / institution's representative appears in the editor-in-chief section / institution name mentioned in press release / institutions as participants in the themed seminar

 · content display: institution representative in publication (inside cover) / institution interview included in report / institutional representatives participate and speak at themed seminar / press release quoting institutional views from themed seminar


For organisations or individuals interested in collaboration, please complete the form, and we will be in touch with you upon receiving the form.

China SIF Cooperation Intention Form 2024: http://lxi.me/ijtb6


Click the link to register for the 12th China SIF Annual Conference and 2024 China SIF Week: https://lxi.me/1Dw0oI

Please contact us should you have any question: [email protected]